Precision Financial Calculator Tech Support


When you experience errors after install the program, most likely it is caused by different version of some required Windows components. This may come from the software you installed on your computer which altered the original system files. Precision could not installed these files successfully because some components are opened or it is not even allowed to do so.

During running the program, if some required files are missing, the program will not perform correctly. Missing files is either caused by not being installed, or accidentally deleted or removed. You only need to copy back the files to the location specified.

Report to us your experience and we will try to help you to solve the problems.
Error Report

Run-time error
     Run-time error '339'
     Run-time error '429'

     Still not Working

     Compiled HTML Windows help

Missing File
     Excel Export (worksheet_tpl.xls)
     Report File
     My Financial Link

Run-time error '339':
Component 'COMCTL32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid


Select the missing one and download:
comctl32.dll (565KB)
comctl32.ocx (596KB)
comct232.ocx (161KB)
comcat.dll (6KB)
or this zip file (1,014KB)

install these files to your Precision Financial Calculator directory (default c:\Program Files\FinCalc?). Run the program (FC7.exe or FinCalc.exe) again. If you still get the same error, use regsvr32.exe to register DLL and OCX. (On Windows desktop, click the Start button at the lower left corner of the screen, select Run, type 'regsvr32.exe ' and the full path of the DLL or OCX.)


Run-time error '429':
You do not have the appropriate authority or license.


Download the previous four files plus:
or this zip file (1,014KB)

install these files to your Precision Financial Calculator directory (default c:\Program Files\FinCalc?). Run the program (FC7.exe or FinCalc.exe) again. If you still get the same error, use regsvr32.exe to register DLL and OCX. (On Windows desktop, click the Start button at the lower left corner of the screen, select Run, type 'regsvr32.exe ' and the full path of the DLL or OCX.)


Can not run FCHelp.chm, a compiled HTML Windows help file:


Download this program file to your application directory:

Copy this file to your Precision Financial Calculator directory (default c:\Program Files\FinCalc?). Run the program again by double-click FCHelp.chm.


Still not working....


Download all the followings and copy them to your FinCalc directory:
COMCTL32.DLL (371KB) Note: Delete the previous 565KB and replace this one
VCF132.OCX (602KB)
VCF15.OCX (959KB)


'worksheet_tpl.xls' Not Found:


Download this program file to your application directory:
worksheet_tpl.xls (14KB)

Copy this file to your Precision Financial Calculator directory (default c:\Program Files\FinCalc?). This file is a template Excel file required when you click the Export button from the Investment Calculator. If your browser automatically opens up Excel, save that empty spreadsheet file into your Precision directory with the name unchanged.


'Report.twg' Not Found:


Download this program file to Reports sub-directory:
Report.twg (11KB)

Copy this file to the Reports sub-directory of your Precision Financial Calculator directory (default c:\Program Files\FinCalc?\Reports). This is a template file for the Summary Report tab of the Invest Calculator. Without this, the Summary report grid will be blank.


'Links.twg' Not Found:


Download this program file to your application directory:
Links.twg (1.2KB)

Copy this file to your Precision Financial Calculator directory (default c:\Program Files\FinCalc?). Run the program again by double-click FCHelp.chm.

