Main Features Standard Version Professional Version
Tip of The Day

check_small.gif (824 bytes)

check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Intuitive one click toolbar icons and tool tips check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Adjustable 3-pane Windows design check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Open ACCESS Tables and Queries check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Database tree view (Fields under Table or Query) check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
One click data view on Table or Query check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
SQL Query syntax view and editing check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Drag-drop copy and paste to and from SQL text box check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Double-click at Field or Table icons to copy Field or Table names to SQL text box (automatically put brackets around Field or Table name to save your typing) check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
One click to run SQL check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Save and delete SQL Queries check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Column data search by typing check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Set Flag column check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Set cell font bold, italic, underline, and color check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
One click to set font color (no need to open color chart on the second time) check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Drag-drop arrange column positions check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
One click sorting ascending or descending check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Drag-drop copy and paste to Windows applications check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Column statistics (Min, Max, Count, Average, Total, Standard Deviation, Ten-interval Auto Histogram) check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Instant Column Bar chart check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Alternate row color check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Column cell merge check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Instant one record form view check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Ini file options setting check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Status bar showing SQL Mode, Edit Mode, Drag Mode, Position of Row and Total Row number check_small.gif (824 bytes) check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Open DataDynamica grid files (binary format), Comma delimited files (plain text), Tab delimited files (plain text) . check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Save to DataDynamica grid files (binary format, faster to load), Comma delimited files (plain text), Tab delimited files (plain text) . check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Edit Column title and Column number format (e.g. $1,234,567.89) . check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Adjustable row and column number (increase or delete rows or columns) . check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Insert rows or columns . check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Cell data editing . check_small.gif (824 bytes)
Drag-drop copy from Windows applications and paste to grid . check_small.gif (824 bytes)
One click column header row setting (First row is column header row for plain text file) . check_small.gif (824 bytes)

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